All important questions of history

1. Do you know who was known as Mehboob-e-Ilahi?

Ans- Nazmuddin Auliya was called Mahbub-e-Ilahi who was a disciple of Baba Farida.

2. According to Sufi tradition, who is called Pir?

Ans- In the Sufi tradition, Pir means Guru while the disciple is called Murid. The followers of Sufi philosophy believe in only one God.

3. Diwane-e-Kohi department was established during whose time period?

Ans- Muhammad bin Tughlaq had established the Diwan-E-Kohi department for the development of agriculture. Apart from this, he also introduced the increase in the amount of tax (First Plan) in the Doab region.

4. Who was known as Hazardinari?

Ans- Alauddin Khilji commander Malik Kafur was known as Hazardinari. After the death of Alauddin, Malik Kafur became the ruler for 35 days. As a general, he had won important conquests of Devagiri, Warangal, Dwar Samudra, Malabar, and Madura.

5. The practice of writing the date on coins was started in whose reign?

Ans- Alauddin Khilji started the practice of writing the date on the coins. Apart from this, this ruler had banned intoxicants, gambling and eating disorder.

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