amazing benefits of Neem


Neem is a very beneficial tree. There are surprising benefits of neem leaves. Eat 4 to 5 leaves every day and be free from all diseases.
Neem is a tree whose leaves, stems and seeds act as medicine. Even today in the village, people use its twigs in the form of datun in the morning. Its leaves are used to make medicine. Its seeds are also used as medicine. Most of the people do not like it because of its bitterness. But in Ayurvedic its tremendous benefits have been told. Neem which is also known as miraculous herb. Every part of it is used to make medicine. Neem purifies the blood and helps in flushing out all the toxic substances from the body. Neem has the ability to fight fungus, virus and bacteria. Neem is known for its anticancer properties.


Neem's bark, seeds and its base also have amazing benefits. It is also used to make medicine.Neem leaves are also used for the treatment of leprosy. Leprosy is a very fatal disease.

Neem leaves are also used for the treatment of other diseases such as upset stomach, loss of appetite, skin ulcers, diseases of the heart vessels (heart disease), fever, diabetes, gum disease (gingivitis), Dandruff is eliminated from the hair, by applying its ointment in the wound, the wound gets cured. Applying mixed with mustard or coconut oil makes hair thick and black. Applying aark of neem leaves on the teeth and gums every day for 7 weeks reduces the accumulation of teeth.


Ingredients for making Sauce -
Neem leaves = 20 to 25
Jaggery = 3 to 4 tsp
Kokum = 5 to 7
Cumin = 1 tbsp
salt = as per taste

Method of making Sauce -
wash neem leaves thoroughly
After that grind all the things together
Then every day on an empty stomach eat half a teaspoon and drink water, in a few days you will see its effect clearly.

Eating 4 to 5 Neem leaves on an empty stomach daily also gives many benefits. By eating Neem leaves, the blood remains clean and the chances of getting any kind of disease in the stomach are reduced. Neem is a boon for us.

Loss -

By eating neem leaves daily, especially in men, the amount of sperm decreases day by day and eyesight is also less.
To use neem leaves every day, first know how many days a week to take and with whom to take it. Then you will get the benefit of it.
Taking neem leaves with lemon juice on an empty stomach in the morning keeps the stomach clean and glows in the face. You can also use it with honey.

This is general information, if you are suffering from any kind of disease, then you must first consult your doctor.

 Benefit of  Aleovera read here

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