Home Mantra to make nails clean and shiny-

Home remedies for nails - If you want to make your nails beautiful and shiny, then follow these home remedies.

Just as we take care of our skin and hair, we should also take care of our nails. Because the beauty of nails enhances our beauty. We should keep our nails clean and clean, it is also an important part of our body. Let's know about keeping nails beautiful.

Everyone's nail is different, like someone's nail is long and someone's short is thin. The bad effect on the beauty of the nails is due to the nail polish you use. You apply different types of nail polish on your nails, which destroys the beauty of your nails. Due to which your nails start appearing pale or lifeless. To maintain the beauty of nails, you should reduce the use of chemical-rich nail polish as much as possible. You can make it beautiful and shiny again by using some home remedies.

If you want to make your nails beautiful and strong, then some home remedies have to be adopted. Due to which your nails will look beautiful and shiny.

For beauty of nails - If you want to increase the beauty of your nails, then you can use lemon and banking soda. Mix lemon juice and banking soda and use it as a cleanser. First of all you take a bowl - in which mix half a bowl of lemon juice and 2 teaspoons of banking soda, after that apply it on your nails and after 10 minutes scrub it with the help of a brush then lightly with lukewarm water. Wash it You will see that your nails have started looking very shiny and beautiful. You can apply nail polish to your nails again.

You can also make your nails clean and beautiful by using lemon peel. It is very easy, for this you have to rub the lemon peel on your nails with light hands. You can use it three to four times a week. In a few days, you will see that your nails have started looking white and shiny.

Use of Toothpaste - If you want, you can also use toothpaste to clean your nails. Toothpaste is helpful for nails because toothpaste contains banking soda and peroxide which is beneficial in making nails healthy and strong. Put toothpaste on your nails for 10 minutes and give it a thief and after some time clean the nails with ease and then wash your nails with lukewarm water. You will see that your nails are looking beautiful and shiny again.

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